Peacock dance

Peacock 🦚 dancing at Jeevashila

What a lovely morning here 🌻. The Jeevashila forest farm is filled with so many flowers, birds, trees, mountains around.

I just spotted this gay dancing 🦚.

Waking up in the morning for ourselves without having to go anywhere else and having a quite peaceful time for ourselves and enjoying the beauty is *The ultimate Laxury*

I feel your life is too important and short and should not be wasted in getting up hurriedly to work for someone else’s ambition. Why waste our life in a man-made artificial world when we can peacefully enjoy the show of nature 😊.

Just a few years back I would have been stuck in traffic at this time! Thanks to Paripoornam πŸŒ•πŸͺ·β˜€οΈ I have moved out of that life.

What do you think?

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